STAR _prestige Aclara STAR _prestige™ is a hosted meter data management, analytics, and data presentment solution that can leverage the information – and investment – of a water company’s advanced metering infrastructure. With complete web-based visibility across the entire distribution system, utilities have a new level of information and control over their resources, assets, and revenue. The STAR _prestige solution is built upon the industry leading, field-proven FATHOM™ analytics and consumer-engagement platform.
The STAR _prestige solution offers:
Meter Data Management (MDM) Employ a hosted database with common data storage to ensure data integrity and provide user authentication for data security and customer records privacy. Distribution and Meter Analytics Maintain complete visibility, end-to-end, across the distribution network with web-based analytic tools that help determine water balances, meter trends, and meter right-sizing. Insights for CSRs and Customers Employ a hosted database with common data storage to ensure data integrity and provide user authentication for data security and customer records privacy.
STAR _choice Aclara STAR _choice™ gives utilities the flexibility to configure their STAR _select network in ways that best fit their current, and evolving, requirements. STAR _choice lets utilities integrate STAR _select network data into a host of custom or third-party data management and system management applications. This approach builds on existing information technology investments and allows utilities to scale-up new applications and capabilities as required.
STAR _focus Aclara STAR _focus™ allows utilities to access the information they need to bill accurately and manage consumption. It is an automated, highly scalable system for generating accurate, bill-ready meter data. It also provides customer service representatives with seamless access to billing information and use profiles for customers. Pulling data from across the network via the Aclara Network Control Computer (NCC), usage information is quickly and accurately available for billing and customer service support.
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