Protection from Viruses
The greatest and most obvious advantage to installing anti-virus software on your computer is that it will prevent you from getting viruses such as trojans, malware and spyware. Viruses range in severity from the harmless to the downright system crippling. Not only can a virus destroy all of the valued data on your computer, it can make the computer utterly worthless by infecting and destroying processes vital to your computer's performance.
Protecting Personal Information
Hackers and viruses go hand in hand. A good anti-virus program will protect you while you surf the Internet, preventing hackers from gaining access to personal things such as credit card information and bank account access. The firewall feature included with most anti-virus software will block any unauthorized incoming connections to your network or computer, preventing hackers from digging their hooks into your life and your computer.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
advantages and disadvantages of EFT
There are numerous advantages of mutual funds and ETFs. Below are a few: Diversification One ETF can give exposure to a group of equities, market segments or styles. In comparison to a stock, the ETF can track a broader range of stocks, or even attempt to mimic the returns of a country or a group of countries. For example, you could focus on Brazil, Russia, India and China in a BRIC ETF. Mutual funds can be diversified as well, but the ETF has lower fees and trades more like an equity investment. Lower Fees Compared to Managed Funds ETFs, which are passively managed, have much lower expense ratios compared to other managed funds. A mutual fund's expense ratio is usually higher due to costs such as: a management fee, shareholder accounting expenses at the fund level, service fees like marketing, paying a board of directors, and load fees for sale and distribution. Trades Like a Stock Although the ETF might give the holder the benefits of diversification, it still trades like a stock.
May Be Limited to Larger Companies In some countries, investors might be limited to large-cap stocks due to a narrow group of stocks in the market index. Only including larger stocks will limit the available exposure to mid- and small-cap companies. This could leave potential growth opportunities out of the reach of ETF investors. Intraday Pricing Might Be Overkill Longer-term investors could have a time horizon of 10 to 15 years, so they may not benefit from the intraday pricing changes. Some investors may trade more due to these lagged swings in hourly price. A high swing over a couple hours could induce a trade where pricing at the end of the day could keep irrational fears from distorting an investment objective. Bid-Ask Spread Can Be Large As more niche ETFs are created you might actually find an investment in a low volume index. This could result in a high bid/ask spread. You might find a better price investing in the actual stocks (usually large institutional investors) or maybe even a managed fund.
There are numerous advantages of mutual funds and ETFs. Below are a few: Diversification One ETF can give exposure to a group of equities, market segments or styles. In comparison to a stock, the ETF can track a broader range of stocks, or even attempt to mimic the returns of a country or a group of countries. For example, you could focus on Brazil, Russia, India and China in a BRIC ETF. Mutual funds can be diversified as well, but the ETF has lower fees and trades more like an equity investment. Lower Fees Compared to Managed Funds ETFs, which are passively managed, have much lower expense ratios compared to other managed funds. A mutual fund's expense ratio is usually higher due to costs such as: a management fee, shareholder accounting expenses at the fund level, service fees like marketing, paying a board of directors, and load fees for sale and distribution. Trades Like a Stock Although the ETF might give the holder the benefits of diversification, it still trades like a stock.
May Be Limited to Larger Companies In some countries, investors might be limited to large-cap stocks due to a narrow group of stocks in the market index. Only including larger stocks will limit the available exposure to mid- and small-cap companies. This could leave potential growth opportunities out of the reach of ETF investors. Intraday Pricing Might Be Overkill Longer-term investors could have a time horizon of 10 to 15 years, so they may not benefit from the intraday pricing changes. Some investors may trade more due to these lagged swings in hourly price. A high swing over a couple hours could induce a trade where pricing at the end of the day could keep irrational fears from distorting an investment objective. Bid-Ask Spread Can Be Large As more niche ETFs are created you might actually find an investment in a low volume index. This could result in a high bid/ask spread. You might find a better price investing in the actual stocks (usually large institutional investors) or maybe even a managed fund.
top and the best 10 computer antivirus software 2013
10) Avast! Pro Antivirus 7
avast! Pro Antivirus employs complete virtualization technology which increases your protection. It has the ability to run any application in the virtual Sandbox environment,which prevents attackers accessing your PC. What’s more, the avast! SafeZone™ gives you an isolated desktop Fortress for even more sensitive operations.
Prevent interruptions
Automatically Detect full-screen applications with Silent/Gaming mode, to disable pop-ups and other Notifications without compromising security.
Keep unwanted scripts away
Our Script Shield detects malevolent scripts hidden in web pages and prevents them from hijacking and damaging your computer, while our Web Shield scans all visited web pages, downloaded files, and java scripts.
9) Webroot Secure Anywhere Antivirus 2013 Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus is an anti malware software which stops the viruses and worms that exist in order to infect other computers, but it also protects you during web surfing sessions by blocking harmful websites and ip addresses. And it has the ability to take down spyware that tries to deceive you or exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems. Spyware steals information about you and sends it to someone else. Some spyware is fairly benign. Adware, for example, watches you in order to tailor advertisements based on your habits. Adware can also happen with your consent if you opt to use a free service that involves accepting ads. Another less-lethal form of spyware is the tracking cookie. Advertising companies will install cookies on your computer in response to you clicking on ads. Unless you delete it, the advertiser will know when you visit a site with its ads. Ease of Setup/Use This antivirus software reflects sound design which enables the user an good interface and makes it easy to use and it combines with the window’s interface and takes advantage of Windows features to promote ease of use. System Performance Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus disinfects malware in a couple of ways. It scans data and blocks viruses that it detects. And it removes malware that is already lodged in a computer. You can tell it to scan your PC according to a schedule that you select. It looks at the Windows registry, operating system files and applications to give you a list of threats.
8) G Data AntiVirus 2013 G Data AntiVirus is one of the best antivirus software products. It supports a high level of security and it is easy to use when compared with the rest of the Antivirus programs. In G Data AntiVirus , Antivirus and antispyware protection are combined with web protection which secures your web surfing sessions. The software protects from online and offline threats which includes phishing scams, dialers, adware, malicious scripts, Trojans, rootkits and worms. Effectiveness : G Data uses two distinct virus scanners. It performs well with third-party testers. AV Comparatives found the software to be in tip-top shape. While the software wasn’t the fastest when compared with the rest , the 10.6MB/sec scanning speed was more than adequate, and G Data came away with the highest total detection rate: an almost perfect score of 99 percent.
7) AVG Anti-Virus 2013 AVG Anti-Virus software is an effective performer with all necessary features. When compared with other antiviruses It scores high in tests which is conducted independently at software testing labs. It maintains a database of known threats so that it can block them when a threat is found, and it uses cloud technology to quickly deploy defenses against zero-day threats almost as quickly as the hackers can hatch them. It understands how to protect you and warn you against internet attacks. And it protects you in social networking contexts.
6) F-Secure Anti-Virus 2013 F-Secure Anti-Virus is among the best antivirus software programs because of it’s easy to use interface. It is streamlined, fast and effective and light weight. With advanced protection technology and additional integrated security features, F-Secure protects against viruses, spyware, worms and Trojans. F-Secure can also locate and eliminate certain threats which are not identified by other antiviruses such rootkits. This antivirus software monitors and protects against viruses which are spread through emails, cookies or malware that attempts to modify the PC registry.
5) Norton AntiVirus 2013 Norton AntiVirus is one of the best antivirus software developed by Symantec. It protects the computer system against viruses, worms, bots and spyware. The main advantage of Norton AntiVirus is it’s ability to use and easy installation. It scans quickly. And they got a wonderful customer support every day at any hour. Extensive testing by AV-Test labs in Germany reveals that Norton Antivirus competes at the head of the class in terms of its ease of use, it has the ability to protect against malware and ability to disinfect machines that are already infected. It’s one of the best. Help & Support: They got a wonderful customer support every day at any hour. Extensive testing by AV-Test labs in Germany reveals that Norton Antivirus competes at the head of the class in terms of its ease of use, it has the ability to protect against malware and ability to disinfect machines that are already infected. It’s one of the best. Ease of Use: Norton AntiVirus 2013 software is easy to use. Every normal users or the overly cautious type should have no problem using the program manually and monitoring performance. More importantly, beginners and users who just need the software to work without much intervention will also have no trouble.
4) Avira Antivirus Premium 2013 I personally recommend Avira antivirus software, it protects us from malware and its various forms (dialers, spyware, rootkits, worms, adware and malicious scripts). It includes advanced protection system which protects us from a number of online threats, including phishing scams and drive-by downloads. Avira Antivirus Premium also has an integrated email scanner which checks for viruses and other malware in sent and received emails. Ease of Installation: The main reason why i prefer Avira Antivirus is because Setting up the software is simple, and will have you up to date and running your first scans in no time. Avira isn’t just one of the best effective antivirus software products, it is also one of the most efficient. AV Comparatives’ test of scanning speed clocked Avira Antivirus Premium at the high scanning rate of 17MB/second. Updates: Avira provides timely updates aren’t just essential for security, but also efficient and less invasive. The updates are small and regular which protects our systems from all latest viruses out on the web. Help & Support: The online support for Avira is excellent You will be able to find additional support in the support forum of avira. Unfortunately, Avira doesn’t offer help through email or online live chat, and there isn’t a U.S.-based phone number.
3) Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013 Kaspersky Anti-Virus protects your computer from bots, worms, Trojans, rootkits, spyware and viruses. It also detects all new threats and prevents them from injecting it into your system. The software includes real-time security when you surf the web, communicate via email or IM, and download, access and open files. And the main thing about Kaspersky is it’s interface which is effectively organized. You can set your preferences and let the software protect your computer without constantly monitoring it. Help & Support: Kaspersky offers great and the best support comparing with the rest antiviruses. Technical support comes in the form of a searchable online knowledge base FAQs, product manuals and there an active user forum. You can easily access these resources directly from the software itself.
2) Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 Bitdefender Antivirus Plus stands at the second place . Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Offers effective security and simple usability, it uses resources effectively. It is a top-tier antivirus software with a superior protection and performance if you’re an advanced user looking to control the whole process manually or an average user who simply wants to set-and-forget solution in both cases this Antivirus supports . This antivirus software provides protection and peace of mind without slowing down your PC performance. Ease of Installation: Installation of Bitdefender Antivirus Plus is quick and includes step-by-step instructions. The process includes a pre-installation scan and doesn’t require a reboot before you’re up and running. The user interface is elegant and minimalistic. One of the noticable funtion of Bitdefender Antivirus Plus is the drag and drop modules function to perform actions directly from the main window.
1) Comodo Internet Security Plus 2013 Comodo Internet Security Plus from Comodo Group is the best among this list this antivirus frustrates the hacker community. In general, it has the ability to scan every firewall programs it can scan, filter, block and stealth ports, making it difficult for cyber criminals to access the private information on any personal computer. Since the Windows operating systems come with some form of firewall as part of the system, it’s up to users to determine if that is sufficient to the task of ultimate protection.
9) Webroot Secure Anywhere Antivirus 2013 Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus is an anti malware software which stops the viruses and worms that exist in order to infect other computers, but it also protects you during web surfing sessions by blocking harmful websites and ip addresses. And it has the ability to take down spyware that tries to deceive you or exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems. Spyware steals information about you and sends it to someone else. Some spyware is fairly benign. Adware, for example, watches you in order to tailor advertisements based on your habits. Adware can also happen with your consent if you opt to use a free service that involves accepting ads. Another less-lethal form of spyware is the tracking cookie. Advertising companies will install cookies on your computer in response to you clicking on ads. Unless you delete it, the advertiser will know when you visit a site with its ads. Ease of Setup/Use This antivirus software reflects sound design which enables the user an good interface and makes it easy to use and it combines with the window’s interface and takes advantage of Windows features to promote ease of use. System Performance Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus disinfects malware in a couple of ways. It scans data and blocks viruses that it detects. And it removes malware that is already lodged in a computer. You can tell it to scan your PC according to a schedule that you select. It looks at the Windows registry, operating system files and applications to give you a list of threats.
8) G Data AntiVirus 2013 G Data AntiVirus is one of the best antivirus software products. It supports a high level of security and it is easy to use when compared with the rest of the Antivirus programs. In G Data AntiVirus , Antivirus and antispyware protection are combined with web protection which secures your web surfing sessions. The software protects from online and offline threats which includes phishing scams, dialers, adware, malicious scripts, Trojans, rootkits and worms. Effectiveness : G Data uses two distinct virus scanners. It performs well with third-party testers. AV Comparatives found the software to be in tip-top shape. While the software wasn’t the fastest when compared with the rest , the 10.6MB/sec scanning speed was more than adequate, and G Data came away with the highest total detection rate: an almost perfect score of 99 percent.
7) AVG Anti-Virus 2013 AVG Anti-Virus software is an effective performer with all necessary features. When compared with other antiviruses It scores high in tests which is conducted independently at software testing labs. It maintains a database of known threats so that it can block them when a threat is found, and it uses cloud technology to quickly deploy defenses against zero-day threats almost as quickly as the hackers can hatch them. It understands how to protect you and warn you against internet attacks. And it protects you in social networking contexts.
6) F-Secure Anti-Virus 2013 F-Secure Anti-Virus is among the best antivirus software programs because of it’s easy to use interface. It is streamlined, fast and effective and light weight. With advanced protection technology and additional integrated security features, F-Secure protects against viruses, spyware, worms and Trojans. F-Secure can also locate and eliminate certain threats which are not identified by other antiviruses such rootkits. This antivirus software monitors and protects against viruses which are spread through emails, cookies or malware that attempts to modify the PC registry.
5) Norton AntiVirus 2013 Norton AntiVirus is one of the best antivirus software developed by Symantec. It protects the computer system against viruses, worms, bots and spyware. The main advantage of Norton AntiVirus is it’s ability to use and easy installation. It scans quickly. And they got a wonderful customer support every day at any hour. Extensive testing by AV-Test labs in Germany reveals that Norton Antivirus competes at the head of the class in terms of its ease of use, it has the ability to protect against malware and ability to disinfect machines that are already infected. It’s one of the best. Help & Support: They got a wonderful customer support every day at any hour. Extensive testing by AV-Test labs in Germany reveals that Norton Antivirus competes at the head of the class in terms of its ease of use, it has the ability to protect against malware and ability to disinfect machines that are already infected. It’s one of the best. Ease of Use: Norton AntiVirus 2013 software is easy to use. Every normal users or the overly cautious type should have no problem using the program manually and monitoring performance. More importantly, beginners and users who just need the software to work without much intervention will also have no trouble.
4) Avira Antivirus Premium 2013 I personally recommend Avira antivirus software, it protects us from malware and its various forms (dialers, spyware, rootkits, worms, adware and malicious scripts). It includes advanced protection system which protects us from a number of online threats, including phishing scams and drive-by downloads. Avira Antivirus Premium also has an integrated email scanner which checks for viruses and other malware in sent and received emails. Ease of Installation: The main reason why i prefer Avira Antivirus is because Setting up the software is simple, and will have you up to date and running your first scans in no time. Avira isn’t just one of the best effective antivirus software products, it is also one of the most efficient. AV Comparatives’ test of scanning speed clocked Avira Antivirus Premium at the high scanning rate of 17MB/second. Updates: Avira provides timely updates aren’t just essential for security, but also efficient and less invasive. The updates are small and regular which protects our systems from all latest viruses out on the web. Help & Support: The online support for Avira is excellent You will be able to find additional support in the support forum of avira. Unfortunately, Avira doesn’t offer help through email or online live chat, and there isn’t a U.S.-based phone number.
3) Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013 Kaspersky Anti-Virus protects your computer from bots, worms, Trojans, rootkits, spyware and viruses. It also detects all new threats and prevents them from injecting it into your system. The software includes real-time security when you surf the web, communicate via email or IM, and download, access and open files. And the main thing about Kaspersky is it’s interface which is effectively organized. You can set your preferences and let the software protect your computer without constantly monitoring it. Help & Support: Kaspersky offers great and the best support comparing with the rest antiviruses. Technical support comes in the form of a searchable online knowledge base FAQs, product manuals and there an active user forum. You can easily access these resources directly from the software itself.
2) Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 Bitdefender Antivirus Plus stands at the second place . Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Offers effective security and simple usability, it uses resources effectively. It is a top-tier antivirus software with a superior protection and performance if you’re an advanced user looking to control the whole process manually or an average user who simply wants to set-and-forget solution in both cases this Antivirus supports . This antivirus software provides protection and peace of mind without slowing down your PC performance. Ease of Installation: Installation of Bitdefender Antivirus Plus is quick and includes step-by-step instructions. The process includes a pre-installation scan and doesn’t require a reboot before you’re up and running. The user interface is elegant and minimalistic. One of the noticable funtion of Bitdefender Antivirus Plus is the drag and drop modules function to perform actions directly from the main window.
1) Comodo Internet Security Plus 2013 Comodo Internet Security Plus from Comodo Group is the best among this list this antivirus frustrates the hacker community. In general, it has the ability to scan every firewall programs it can scan, filter, block and stealth ports, making it difficult for cyber criminals to access the private information on any personal computer. Since the Windows operating systems come with some form of firewall as part of the system, it’s up to users to determine if that is sufficient to the task of ultimate protection.
The benefits of EFT
One of the best cash management tools available to businesses is electronic funds transfer, or EFT. As the name implies, EFTs enable businesses and their customers to exchange money between each other electronically instead of via checks or wire transfers.
EFTs are also sometimes referred to as ACH transactions. ACH stands for Automated Clearing House, which is the nationwide electronic payment network that allows the actual clearing of electronic payments and payment-related information between financial institutions. Payment-related information can be sent along with ACH transactions, a process known as electronic data interchange, or EDI.
While you may not have heard the term ACH, you may be familiar with some of the different kinds of electronic payments that can be initiated through the ACH network. These include the following:
Direct deposit: This is perhaps the most common type of ACH payment. Most companies in the United States today pay their employees via direct deposit instead of paper check. Direct deposit is also used by government entities to make Social Security and other benefit payments and to issue refunds to taxpayers.
Direct debits and credits: These types of electronic payments can be made from business-to-consumer and from business-to-business. Consumers pay many recurring bills, such as mortgages, utilities, insurance, and health club memberships, via ACH, and many businesses pay their vendors and suppliers via ACH credits instead of paper checks.
Federal, state, and local taxes: ACH has become a common funds transfer mechanism for the payment of corporate taxes at all levels of government.
Features and Benefits of the STAR AMI Fixed Network
STAR _solutions
Aclara’s STAR _solutions™ suite converts data into insight and control. By coupling the power of end-to-end data, powerful data management, and deep-dive system analytics with a host of easy-to-deploy and scale applications, STAR _solutions gives utilities clear insight into their resources and opportunities.
STAR _prestige Aclara STAR _prestige™ is a hosted meter data management, analytics, and data presentment solution that can leverage the information – and investment – of a water company’s advanced metering infrastructure. With complete web-based visibility across the entire distribution system, utilities have a new level of information and control over their resources, assets, and revenue. The STAR _prestige solution is built upon the industry leading, field-proven FATHOM™ analytics and consumer-engagement platform.
The STAR _prestige solution offers:
Meter Data Management (MDM) Employ a hosted database with common data storage to ensure data integrity and provide user authentication for data security and customer records privacy. Distribution and Meter Analytics Maintain complete visibility, end-to-end, across the distribution network with web-based analytic tools that help determine water balances, meter trends, and meter right-sizing. Insights for CSRs and Customers Employ a hosted database with common data storage to ensure data integrity and provide user authentication for data security and customer records privacy.
STAR _choice Aclara STAR _choice™ gives utilities the flexibility to configure their STAR _select network in ways that best fit their current, and evolving, requirements. STAR _choice lets utilities integrate STAR _select network data into a host of custom or third-party data management and system management applications. This approach builds on existing information technology investments and allows utilities to scale-up new applications and capabilities as required.
STAR _focus Aclara STAR _focus™ allows utilities to access the information they need to bill accurately and manage consumption. It is an automated, highly scalable system for generating accurate, bill-ready meter data. It also provides customer service representatives with seamless access to billing information and use profiles for customers. Pulling data from across the network via the Aclara Network Control Computer (NCC), usage information is quickly and accurately available for billing and customer service support.
STAR _prestige Aclara STAR _prestige™ is a hosted meter data management, analytics, and data presentment solution that can leverage the information – and investment – of a water company’s advanced metering infrastructure. With complete web-based visibility across the entire distribution system, utilities have a new level of information and control over their resources, assets, and revenue. The STAR _prestige solution is built upon the industry leading, field-proven FATHOM™ analytics and consumer-engagement platform.
The STAR _prestige solution offers:
Meter Data Management (MDM) Employ a hosted database with common data storage to ensure data integrity and provide user authentication for data security and customer records privacy. Distribution and Meter Analytics Maintain complete visibility, end-to-end, across the distribution network with web-based analytic tools that help determine water balances, meter trends, and meter right-sizing. Insights for CSRs and Customers Employ a hosted database with common data storage to ensure data integrity and provide user authentication for data security and customer records privacy.
STAR _choice Aclara STAR _choice™ gives utilities the flexibility to configure their STAR _select network in ways that best fit their current, and evolving, requirements. STAR _choice lets utilities integrate STAR _select network data into a host of custom or third-party data management and system management applications. This approach builds on existing information technology investments and allows utilities to scale-up new applications and capabilities as required.
STAR _focus Aclara STAR _focus™ allows utilities to access the information they need to bill accurately and manage consumption. It is an automated, highly scalable system for generating accurate, bill-ready meter data. It also provides customer service representatives with seamless access to billing information and use profiles for customers. Pulling data from across the network via the Aclara Network Control Computer (NCC), usage information is quickly and accurately available for billing and customer service support.
advantages and disadvantages of star network
Advantages :
i) easy to implement and extend.
ii) well suited for temporary (quick setup).
iii) initially less expensive than other topologies.
iv) cheap
Disadvantages :
i) difficult to administer/troubleshoot.
ii) limited cable length and number of station.
iii) low security.
iv) one virus in the network will effect all of them.
i) easy to implement and extend.
ii) well suited for temporary (quick setup).
iii) initially less expensive than other topologies.
iv) cheap
Disadvantages :
i) difficult to administer/troubleshoot.
ii) limited cable length and number of station.
iii) low security.
iv) one virus in the network will effect all of them.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
skin care : 5 tips for healthy skin
1. Protect yourself from the sun
One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems — as well as increase the risk of skin cancer.
For the most complete sun protection:
Use sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. When you're outdoors, reapply sunscreen every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring.
Seek shade. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest.
Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washings, or special sun-protective clothing — which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.
2. Don't smoke Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.
3. Treat your skin gently Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. To keep it gentle: Limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm — rather than hot — water. Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can strip oil from your skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers. Shave carefully. To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving. For the closest shave, use a clean, sharp razor. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against it. Pat dry. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on your skin. Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that fits your skin type. For daily use, consider a moisturizer that contains SPF.
4. Eat a healthy diet A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne isn't clear — but some research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin.
5. Manage stress Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin — and a healthy state of mind — take steps to manage your stress. Set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results might be more dramatic than you expect.
2. Don't smoke Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.
3. Treat your skin gently Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. To keep it gentle: Limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm — rather than hot — water. Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can strip oil from your skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers. Shave carefully. To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving. For the closest shave, use a clean, sharp razor. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against it. Pat dry. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on your skin. Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that fits your skin type. For daily use, consider a moisturizer that contains SPF.
4. Eat a healthy diet A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne isn't clear — but some research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin.
5. Manage stress Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin — and a healthy state of mind — take steps to manage your stress. Set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results might be more dramatic than you expect.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
tema kemerdekaan 2014
Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-57 pada tahun ini menampilkan satu keunikan apabila salah satu baris lirik lagu Warisan, 'Malaysia.... Di Sini Lahirnya Sebuah Cinta' yang dipopularkan oleh Allahyarham Sudirman Haji Arshad dipilih menjadi tema sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-57. Logo Hari Kemerdekaan untuk tahun ini dipilih daripada 1,586 hasil ciptaan peserta Pertandingan Mereka Cipta Logo Hari Kemerdekaan ke-57.
Ketika mengumumkan "Logo & Tema Merdeka Malaysia 2014" semasa majlis prapelancaran Hari Kemerdekaan pada 25 Jun 2014, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek berkata, pemilihan tema daripada lagu yang dipopularkan oleh Allahyarham Datuk Sudirman Haji Arshad itu dapat menyemai dan menyemarakkan semangat cintakan negara ke dalam jiwa rakyat.
"Saya percaya tema itu sangat signifikan bagi memberikan kesan mendalam dan melahirkan semangat kecintaan terhadap negara di dalam hati semua rakyat,"
"Secara tidak langsung dapat mewujudkan masyarakat yang cintakan negara dan sanggup berkorban dan bekerja keras demi menjamin keamanan, kemajuan, kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran negara pada jangka masa panjang," katanya.
Logo Hari Kemerdekaan ke-57 direka oleh Abdul Mutalib Abd. Rahman, seorang pereka grafik disebuah syarikat swasta. Beliau membawa pulang RM7,000 beserta dengan sijil penghargaan.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Siapakah Dia...
hargailah dia insan yang sentiasa merindui kita ..
hargailah dia insan ikhlas menyayangi kita ..
hargailahdia insan yang sentiasa jujur dengan kita ..
hargailah dia insan yang setia pada kita ..
hargalah dia insan yang sentiasa menunggu kita ..
hargailah dia insan yang sentiasa ingin membahagia dan menyenangkan kita ..
hargailah dia yang sanggup berkorban demi kita ..
hargailah dia insan yang sanggup terluka kerana terlalu menyayangi kita ..
hargailah dia ..
insan yang bergelar ibu ..
sentiasa menyanyangi dan berkorban demi kehidupan kita ..
tapi apakah balsan kita terhadapnya ?
hanya kata cacian .. suruhan ..
kita hanya tahu mengguris hatinya ..
namun ibu sentiasa berkata , "takpelah ibu maafkan" ..
tapi ingatlah !
sekali hatinya terguris ..
ke nerakalah dirimu walau kau berbakti pada orang lain ..
kita selalu ingin menggembirakan , menghargai orang lain tapi pada ibu ..?
tepuk dada tanya selera ..
hargailah ..
sayangilah ..
jagalah ia dengan penuh kasih sayang ..
cintailah dia selagi ia masih bernafas dan masih ada di depan mata kita ..
jangan nanti kita menyesal saat ia hilang dari pandangan kita ..
hargailah dia insan ikhlas menyayangi kita ..
hargailahdia insan yang sentiasa jujur dengan kita ..
hargailah dia insan yang setia pada kita ..
hargalah dia insan yang sentiasa menunggu kita ..
hargailah dia insan yang sentiasa ingin membahagia dan menyenangkan kita ..
hargailah dia yang sanggup berkorban demi kita ..
hargailah dia insan yang sanggup terluka kerana terlalu menyayangi kita ..
hargailah dia ..
insan yang bergelar ibu ..
sentiasa menyanyangi dan berkorban demi kehidupan kita ..
tapi apakah balsan kita terhadapnya ?
hanya kata cacian .. suruhan ..
kita hanya tahu mengguris hatinya ..
namun ibu sentiasa berkata , "takpelah ibu maafkan" ..
tapi ingatlah !
sekali hatinya terguris ..
ke nerakalah dirimu walau kau berbakti pada orang lain ..
kita selalu ingin menggembirakan , menghargai orang lain tapi pada ibu ..?
tepuk dada tanya selera ..
hargailah ..
sayangilah ..
jagalah ia dengan penuh kasih sayang ..
cintailah dia selagi ia masih bernafas dan masih ada di depan mata kita ..
jangan nanti kita menyesal saat ia hilang dari pandangan kita ..
setinggi pengorbanan sedalam kasih sayang
Seorang lelaki datang menemui Rasulullah, “Siapakah manusia yang berhak untuk aku layan dengan sebaik-baiknya? ” Baginda menjawab, “Ibumu.” Dia bertanya lagi, “Kemudian siapa?” Baginda menjawab, “Ibumu.” Dia bertanya lagi, “Kemudian siapa?” Baginda menjawab, “Ibumu.” Dia bertanya lagi, “Kemudian siapa?” Baginda menjawab, “Ayahmu.” (Shahih al-Bukhari, no:5971) (Status Mohd Fadli Yusof 8 Mei 2011)
Satu ketika, sedang melaksanakan tawaf, Rasulullah ﷺ bertemu dengan seorang anak muda yang bahunya melecet. Setelah selesai tawaf Rasulullah ﷺ bertanya kepada anak muda itu, ”Kenapa bahu kamu itu?” Jawab anak muda itu, ”Ya Rasulullah, saya dari Yaman. Saya mempunyai seorang ibu yang sudah uzur. Saya sangat mencintai dia dan saya tidak pernah melepaskan dia. Saya melepaskan ibu saya hanya ketika buang hajat, ketika solat, atau ketika istirahat, selain itu sisanya saya selalu menggendongnya.”
Kemudian anak muda itu bertanya, ”Ya Rasulullah, apakah aku sudah termasuk ke dalam orang yang sudah berbakti kepada orang tua?” Nabi ﷺ sangat terharu mendengarnya, sambil memeluk anak muda itu beliau bersabda, ”Sungguh Allah redha kepadamu, kamu anak yang soleh, anak yang berbakti. Tapi anakku, ketahuilah, cinta orang tuamu tidak akan terbalaskan oleh pengorbanan dan kebaikanmu.”
Kasih sayang dan cinta seorang ibu kepada anaknya tidak akan terbalas dan tidak akan ternilai dengan apa pun. Perjuangan seorang ibu untuk seorang anak sangat luar biasa. Ketulusan dan kesabarannya dalam menjaga seorang anak sejak dari kandungan hingga anak tersebut dewasa dan bahkan hingga si anak sudah berkeluarga tidak akan tergantikan.
Seorang ibu rela mempertaruhkan nyawanya hanya untuk kehidupan si anak. Ketika melahirkan, si ibu meletakkan nyawanya dihujung rambut, bertarung maut demi kelahiran anaknya. Bahkan, untaian doanya tidak pernah terputus untuk seorang anak sejak dalam kandungan lagi. Mereka selalu berharap dan memohon kepada Allah agar anaknya menjadi anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah.
Siapa lagi yang memberi kasih sayang yang paling mendalam dan pengorbanan yang paling tinggi dalam hidup seorang anak, selain ibu?...Itulah kasih sayang yang Allah pinjamkan ke dalam hati seorang ibu, kasih sayang yang hebat, dari Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Penyayang.
Maka Allah yang Maha Pengasih itu berpesan kepada seluruh manusia (yang beriman atau tidak), agar berbuat baik kepada insan yang bergelar ibu ini, juga bapa...
وَوَصَّيۡنَا ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ بِوَٲلِدَيۡهِ حَمَلَتۡهُ أُمُّهُ ۥ وَهۡنًا عَلَىٰ وَهۡنٍ۬ وَفِصَـٰلُهُ ۥ فِى عَامَيۡنِ أَنِ ٱشۡڪُرۡ لِى وَلِوَٲلِدَيۡكَ إِلَىَّ ٱلۡمَصِيرُ
"Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung kelemahan demi kelemahan (dari awal mengandung hingga akhir menyusunya), dan tempoh menceraikan susunya ialah dalam masa dua tahun; (dengan yang demikian) bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada kedua ibubapamu; dan (ingatlah), kepada Akulah jua tempat kembali (untuk menerima balasan)." (Luqman 31:14)
Rasulullah ﷺ perintahkan memuliakan ibu sebanyak tiga kali, kemudian bapa, menunjukkan betapa penting dan beratnya penekanan Rasulullah agar anak-anak memulia dan melayan ibu sebaik-baiknya.
Hinggakan Rasulullah ﷺ meletakkan kedudukan ibu itu selepas keutamaan solat, dan di atas dari jihad.
Dari Abu Abdirrahman yaitu Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a., katanya: Saya bertanya kepada Nabi ﷺ: "Manakah amalan yang lebih tercinta disisi Allah?"
Beliau menjawab: "Iaitu solat menurut waktunya." Saya bertanya pula: "Kemudian apakah?" Beliau menjawab: "Berbakti kepada orang tua." Saya bertanya pula: "Kemudian apakah?" Beliau menjawab: "berjihad fisabilillah." (Muttafaq 'alaih)
Pernah Rasulullah ﷺ melarang seorang sahabat untuk berjihad di jalan Allah dan memerintahkan untuk menjaga ibunya yang masih hidup. Rasul bersabda, ”Jika demikian tinggallah bersamanya kerana syurga berada di bawah kakinya.” (HR Ibnu Majah dan Nasai).

Anak-anak hari ini ramai yang tidak mengenali ibu, betapa ibulah yang melahirkan dengan izin Allah, dan kasih sayangnya bermula sebelum kita dikandungnya...ketika angan-angannya bersama si ayah...jika kita dikurniakan anak..kita akan pelihara ia baik-baik, akan beri sepenuh kasih sayang...akan didik dia jadi insan berguna, jadi soleh atau solehah.
Sebab itu, bila kita bicarakan topik ibu dan ayah, tidak dapat tidak, mesti terkait persoalan pengorbanan dan kasih sayang, kerana apa?
Kerana ibu dan ayah ialah sepasang insan yang telah mencurahkan PENGORBANAN yang paling tinggi (yang tidak pernah diberikan oleh insan-insan lain), serta mencurahkan KASIH SAYANG yang paling mendalam, tanpa mengharapkan sebarang balasan.
Kasih sayang mereka bermula sebelum kita dikandung...telah subur jiwa berkorban sebelum si anak dikandung dan dilahirkan. Kemudian apabila ibu mula mengandung, kandungan makin membesar hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan...hingga sembilan bulan lebih..
Makin hari makin memberat kandungan, dan kandungan itu dibawa ke mana-mana, tidak pernah sedetikpun ditinggalkan, ibu makin hari main lemah, kadangkala ibu pening, ibu terjatuh, terkadang giginya patah...tapi ibu tidak pernah mengeluh atau marahkan si anak dalam kandungan, malah semakin hari semain kasih ia. Itu semua pengorbanan dan kasih sayang seorang ibu.
Pengorbanan dan kasih sayang itu juga tidak terkecuali bagi si ayah. Waktu itu ayah akan lebih keras bekerja, menyediakan persediaan dan keperluan bagi anak yang bakal lahir. Pening ia memikirkan kos bersalin...pakaian...susu...tilam...bantal dan lain-lain. Bagi yang kurang berada, terpaksalah berjimat, demi menyambut orang baru yang amat dikasihi, walau belum pernah melihat wajah si anak.
Pengorbanan si ibu sekali lagi sewaktu melahirkan si anak, berjuang antara hidup dan mati. meletakkan nyawanya di hujung rambut, demi kelahiran anaknya yang telah dikandung sembilan bulan. Sakitnya bukan kepalang, hingga dikatakan sakit bersalin itu adalah sakit yang kedua tersakit setelah sakitnya mati.
Hinggakan Rasulullah meletakkan, jika seorang ibu itu mati ketika melahirkan anaknya, dikira sebagai mati syahid.
Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda: ““Tahukah kalian siapa syuhada dari ummatku? orang-orang yang ada menjawab: Muslim yang mati terbunuh” beliau bersabda: Kalau hanya itu para syuhada dari ummatku hanya sedikit. Muslim yang mati terbunuh adalah syahid, dan mati kerana penyakit kolera adalah syahid, begitu pula perempuan yang mati kerana bersalin adalah syahid (anaknya yang akan menariknya dengan tali pusarnya ke syurga)”(HR. Ahmad, Darimi, dan ath-Thayalusi)
Adakah seorang insan selain ibu sanggup menggadai nyawanya sebagai taruhan melahirkan kita? Malah setelah kelahiran berlaku, ibu tidak terus sihat, dia terus tidak bermaya, keletihan dan sakit kerana melahirkan...tetapi bila dengar tangisan si anak, hilang segala keletihan dan kesakitan.
Setelah kelahiran, bermula satu lagi episod pengorbanan ibu. Ibu akan berjaga sepanjang malam untuk menyusukan, melayan akan yang menangis kerana kebasahan kencing atau kelaparan..
Kasih sayang ibu terserlah lagi...ketika badan si anak penuh najis kerana kencing dan berak, ibu menghadiahkan ciuman kepada anaknya. Mengapa anak dalam keadaan busuk itu dicium juga? Kerana di hati ibu ada cinta yang amat mendalam.
Berapa kali kejadian ini berlaku? berulangkali, berkali-kali...kerana ibu mengorbankan masa tidur dan rehatnya demi menjaga si anak agar tidak basah, lapar atau diganggu nyamuk.
Itulah ibu yang kita tinggalkan kini di kampung... (bagi yang masih punya ibu) Hebatnya kasih sayang dan pengorbanan seorang ibu...pastinya tidak terhenti di situ...sepanjang hayatnya ibu tetap berkorban dan menyayangi anak-anaknya. Dia terus berkorban memandaikan si anak, mendidik anak, bukan sekadar makan dan pakai sahaja.
Terlalu banyak jasa ibu. Pengorbanan dan kasih sayang ibu dikenang hingga ke Akhirat. Tiada sebarang alasan untuk memutuskan hubungan antara anak dan ibu bapa walaupun mereka masih kafir sedangkan anaknya telah Islam.
Dari Asma' binti Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq r.ha, katanya: "Ibuku datang ke tempatku sedang dia adalah seorang musyrik di zaman Rasulullah. Iaitu di saat berlangsungnya perjanjian Hudaibiyah antara Nabi ﷺ dan kaum musyrikin.
Kemudian saya meminta fatwa kepada Rasulullah ﷺ, saya berkata: "Ibuku datang padaku dan ia ingin meminta sesuatu, apakah boleh saya hubungi ibuku itu, padahal ia musyrik?" Beliau ﷺ bersabda: "Ya, hubungilah ibumu." (Muttafaq 'alaih)
Seorang anak perlu ingat pesanan ini:
وَقَضَىٰ رَبُّكَ أَلَّا تَعۡبُدُوٓاْ إِلَّآ إِيَّاهُ وَبِٱلۡوَٲلِدَيۡنِ إِحۡسَـٰنًاۚ إِمَّا يَبۡلُغَنَّ عِندَكَ ٱلۡڪِبَرَ أَحَدُهُمَآ أَوۡ كِلَاهُمَا فَلَا تَقُل لَّهُمَآ أُفٍّ۬ وَلَا تَنۡہَرۡهُمَا وَقُل لَّهُمَا قَوۡلاً۬ ڪَرِيمً۬ا
dan janganlah engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang bersopan santun). (Al-Isra':17:23)"Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya semata-mata dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang dari keduanya atau kedua-duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua dalam jagaan dan peliharaanmu, maka janganlah engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan
وَٱخۡفِضۡ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ ٱلذُّلِّ مِنَ ٱلرَّحۡمَةِ وَقُل رَّبِّ ٱرۡحَمۡهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِى صَغِيرً۬ا
Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil.
محمد فضلي بن يوسف
Monday, 25 August 2014
What exactly is antivirus anyway?
If you are puzzled by any of the sometimes whimsical word choice, or concerned by the seriousness of the problems they describe; if you don’t know that a computer virus is a kind of malware, that a zombie computer is part of a botnet, that being smished is sort of like being phished but not quite, then we have just the glossary for you.
We’ve crafted a rogue’s glossary defining the terms that dot the cyber landscape. Ideally, you should make sure you understand each, but, more importantly, you should be sure you know how to avoid being the victim of any of these— whether a virus or other malware, you can be in for a big headache and sometimes a very costly one too.
So, to get you started in the maddening lexicon of computer mishaps, here’s a list we expect to expand, not only with more of the current terminology, but with new words as they are added to the malware list.
Top Threats
Quick fact: At least 7,000 free apps contain aggressive adware (based on TrendLabs research). 80% are still available and 10% have been downloaded more than 1 million times. Read more >
Quick fact: The countries that had the most reported infections related to the Esthost botnet are the United States, Italy, India, the UK, Germany, France, China, Spain, Canada, and Australia. Read more >
Quick fact: Ransomware can track affected users’ geographic locations and scare them with a scam faking their respective countries’ police force. Read more >
Quick fact: Some of the common phishing target sites includePayPal, eBay,, AOL, and Runescape.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing hands. One of the most widely-used EFT programs is Direct Deposit, in which payroll is deposited straight into an employee's bank account, although EFT refers to any transfer of funds initiated through an electronic terminal, including credit card, ATM, Fedwire and point-of-sale (POS) transactions. It is used for both credit transfers, such as payroll payments, and for debit transfers, such as mortgage payments.
Transactions are processed by the bank through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network, the secure transfer system that connects all U.S. financial institutions. For payments, funds are transferred electronically from one bank account to the billing company's bank, usually less than a day after the scheduled payment date.
The growing popularity of EFT for online bill payment is paving the way for a paperless universe where checks, stamps, envelopes, and paper bills are obsolete. The benefits of EFT include reduced administrative costs, increased efficiency, simplified bookkeeping, and greater security. However, the number of companies who send and receive bills through the Internet is still relatively small.
The U.S. Government monitors EFT compliance through Regulation E of the Federal Reserve Board, which implements the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA). Regulation E governs financial transactions with electronic payment services, specifically with regard to disclosure of information, consumer liability, error resolution, record retention, and receipts at electronic terminals.
A star network is a local area network (LAN) in which all nodes (workstations or other devices) are directly connected to a common central computer. Every workstation is indirectly connected to every other through the central computer. In some star networks, the central computer can also operate as a workstation.
The illustration shown a star network with five workstations (or six, if the central computer acts as a workstation). Each workstation is shown as a sphere, the central computer is shown as a larger sphere, and connections are shown as straight lines. The connections can be wired or wireless links.
The illustration shown a star network with five workstations (or six, if the central computer acts as a workstation). Each workstation is shown as a sphere, the central computer is shown as a larger sphere, and connections are shown as straight lines. The connections can be wired or wireless links.
The star network topology works well when workstations are at scattered points. It is easy to add or remove workstations.
If the workstations are reasonably close to the vertices of a convex polygon and the system requirements are modest, the ring network topology may serve the intended purpose at lower cost than the star network topology. If the workstations lie nearly along a straight line, the bus network topology may be best.
In a star network, a cable failure will isolate the workstation that it links to the central computer, but only that workstation will be isolated. All the other workstations will continue to function normally, except that they will not be able to communicate with the isolated workstation. If any workstation goes down, none of the other workstations will be affected. But if the central computer goes down, the entire network will suffer degraded performance or complete failure. If redundancy is required, the mesh network topology may be preferable.
10 beautiful place in paris
1 - Eiffel Tower
The ascent of the Eiffel Tower is a must to enjoy the magnificent view of Paris. Tickets booths are located at the foot of the tower, you can go up via one of the two elevators, but after standing in line several hours, especially in summer. For the more adventurous one, it is possible to use the stairs and climb the steps (1,665 to the summit).
The first floor houses the Eiffel Tower 58 which extends over two levels, 58 meters above the ground as its name suggests. On the second floor, the view is the best at 115 meters because you have a diving view on the ground below. Finally on the 3rd floor at 275 meters, you can see what the office of Gustave Eiffel was.
For an adult, it is about 8.50 € to access the second floor, 14 € for the summit.
2 - Notre Dame
We advise you to walk around the cathedral, then go inside and climb the 387 steps to the top of the towers. The climb to the top of the towers can be exhausting, but you will get a panoramic view of the region and see the famous gargoyles up close.
3 - Louvre
The museum is housed in the Louvre, originally a fortress built in the late 12th century under Philip II. The remains of the fortress are visible in the basement of the museum.
In 1682, Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles for his house, leaving the Louvre primarily to expose the royal collection. During the French Revolution, the National Assembly decreed that the Louvre will be used to expose the masterpieces of the Nation.
The museum opens August 10, 1793 and sees the size of his collection gradually increase, especially under Napoleon and Louis XVIII, Charles X and during the French Second Empire.
Since 2008, the collection is divided into eight departments:
Practical Information:
The Louvre museum is open daily from 9am to 18pm, except Tuesdays.
Open until 9:45 p.m. Wednesday and Friday.
A ticket for an adult costs between 10 € and 14 €, depending on exposure.
Free for the first Sunday of the month.
4 - Champs Elysées / Arch of Triumph
The panoramic terrace above the door offers a beautiful view of Paris. 50 meters high, 45 meters wide and 22 meters deep, the Arc de Triomphe is located on the Place de l'Etoile which leads to the Champs Elysees.
The Champs Elysees is nicknamed "the most beautiful avenue in the world." It stands on 1.9 km between Place de la Concorde and the Arc de Triomphe. There are many luxury boutiques (Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Guerlain, Montblanc ...), places of entertainment (Lido, cinemas), famous cafes and restaurants (Fouquet's).
5 - Cruise on the Seine
You can also enjoy a dinner cruise on the Seine aboard a boat. For about two hours, you are welcomed.
6 - Montmartre
If you're in the area, do visit the Square of Tertre, few blocks from the Basilica. There are many artists setting up their easels to paint tourists or exhibit their work. Place du Tertre is a reminder of the time when Montmartre was the hub of modern art in the early 20th century; many artists such as Amedeo Modigliani, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh worked there.
The Espace Salvador Dalí, a museum dedicated primarily to sculpture and drawings of the Spanish painter, can be found a few steps from Place du Tertre.
7 - Versailles
Visit Versailles: you will start by the State Apartments and the famous Hall of Mirrors, the Queen's chamber. Do not forget to stroll through the famous gardens "French".
8 - Quartier Latin - Luxembourg park
Known for its student life, lively atmosphere and bistros, the Latin Quarter is the home to many higher education institutions, such as the Ecole Normale Superieure, the Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Schola Cantorum, and the university campus of Jussieu or the Ecole Polytechnique. The area takes its name from the Latin language, which was once widespread in and around the University since Latin was the international language of learning in the Middle Ages.
The Luxembourg park is a private garden open to the public created in 1612 at the request of Marie de Medicis to accompany the Luxembourg Palace. The Parisians affectionately call it the "Luco".
The garden surrounds the Palais du Luxembourg, where the Senate seats. Redesigned by André Le Nôtre, it is very pleasant to walk around; you will also find an orchard, several varieties of apples, an apiary and a greenhouse with orchid collection. There are 106 statues, a bronze reduction of the Statue of Liberty.
The Luxembourg park counts 3 fountains whose great central fountain. It hosts sports activities including championship of France of the tennis court. Some prefer to play chess, bridge, boat or remote to relax on the many chairs in the four corners of the garden. Photo exhibitions are frequently installed on the railings outside.
9 - Moulin Rouge
Its style and its name have been imitated and borrowed from other nightclubs around the world, Las Vegas, for example. In addition, many films have helped the reputation of the cabaret, such as Baz Luhrmann’s movie in 2001, starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor.
10 - Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris has two theme parks: Disneyland (with castle) and Walt Disney Studios.
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